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Project list: Open Call for Project Proposals in the area of research quality and open science

What is good research? How can the quality of research and its results be assessed and ensured over the long term? How can responsible research be made open and transparent? Five projects that are funded by the Berlin University Alliance (BUA) as part of the “Research Quality and Open Science” call for proposals deal with these questions. The researchers develop specific measures from various disciplines and based on a research approach dedicated to ensuring research quality and opening up research – for example, from the fields of medicine, law, meteorology, mathematics, and computer science. The projects are funded with around 1.2 million euros over a period of two years.

The call focussed on project proposals from all disciplines that are beneficial for the broadening and interacting of the scientific expertise regarding research quality and open science in the Berlin research environment. The proposals needed to comprise concepts for the implementation of specific measures aiming at strengthening the assurance of research quality and the opening of academic research in the institutions of the Berlin University Alliance.


Dr. Sybille Hinze (Head of CORe), Dr. Stefan Skupien (scientific coordinator open science) and Nele Albrecht (scientific coordinator research quality): core@berlin-university-alliance.de