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Viktor Ullmann

Berlin University Alliance

Objective 3 - Advancing Research Quality and Value

Scientific Coordinator Research Quality

Headquarters: Berlin University Alliance Kleine Präsidentenstraße 1 10178 Berlin

Viktor Ullmann received his doctorate in 2021 after completing his M.A. in Islamic Studies at the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies with a cultural studies classification of the presentation of Iranian films at the Berlinale. Subsequently, he has been working together with project leader Dr. Simona Olivieri at Freie Universität in the BUA-funded project "OBUA - Ombudswesen@BUA" (2021-23), which develops and implements new models for professionalizing ombuds systems in the Berlin research landscape, e.g. workshops and a Toolbox.

Viktor Ullmann joined the team of Objective 3 of the Berlin University Alliance as scientific coordinator for research quality in February 2023 and, in cooperation with Objective 4, develops teaching formats for good research practice.