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Offers for postdocs

Support after the PhD

"Navigating the shark tank". Power games and micropolitical competence in academia: Are you navigating the ‚shark tank‘, just trying to survive, do you feel like a ‚shark‘ yourself, or are you actually placed in a peaceful ‚goldfish pond‘? Concerning social interactions, research environ­ments may vary a great deal! This workshop series provides you important knowledge to grasp manifestations of the everyday uses of power in organiza­tions and the „games“ played in your own environment – and perhaps to navigate in more sucessful ways.

Academic Choices – Achieving Success in Academia: Many young academics choose a career in academia because they are passionate about their research topic and value the freedom in academia. The postdoc phase sets the course for success in academia. What are the paths to a professorship? How can this phase be structured so that the chances of success are as high as possible? What else is important besides enthusiasm for the subject? These questions will be addressed in this workshop so that each participant is clear about the next steps.

Deep science future. An entry-level workshop for producing a better tomorrow with artificial intelligence: Participants will explore how AI can be used beneficially for society and individuals. The course will provide entry-level methods for evaluating machine learning use cases and guide participants through their first "no-code" implementation.

How to advance your research career and get funding: Next stop: Principal Investigator. Prepare for a future research leadership position by making effective use of funding opportunities. Assess your current position, align your career aspirations with longer-term research goals and develop a roadmap to achieve them.

Make Contacts that Count: Live, Virtual and Online Networking and Personal Branding: Learn how to build a well-functioning network without stress. identify your personal networking priority. Understand how to target your personal offer for the individual needs of funding bodies, backers, potential employers or academic partners. Develop your 'thirty-minutes-per-week' future career building strategy. Have a clear check-list of networking activities. Learn the essentials of networking best practice.

Freie Universität Berlin - Dahlem Research School: Dahlem Research School (DRS) is the central institution for young researchers at Freie Universität Berlin. It coordinates a broad range of doctoral programs, advises on all issues related to structured and individual doctoral studies, and offers an inspiring qualification program.

Humbolt-Universität zu Berlin - Humboldt Graduate School: The Humboldt Graduate School is the central institution for the strategic promotion of scientists and scholars in the early career phase at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Technische Universität Berlin - Center for Junior Scholars: The Center for Junior Scholars acts as a kind of pilot for all questions concerning young scientists from the doctoral and postdoc phases to junior professorships or junior research group leadership.

BUA Postdoc Academy: Benefit from a course program specifically tailored to the needs of postdocs. The BUA Postdoc Academy offers courses in the areas of research management, career counselling, self-management, science communication snd much more. Take advantage!