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Closing the Gap in Non-Latin Script Data

Freie Universität Berlin, Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Beatrice Gründler, Project Staff: Dr. Theodore S. Beers, Xenia Kudela, Cooperation partners: Dr. Jonas Müller-Laackman, Digital Research Services Unit, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky, Duration: 01/2021-09/2023; Continuation of the project under the title "Closing the Gap in Non-Latin Script Data II": 10/2023-06/2026.

The project aims at the development and coordination of subject-specific infrastructures in the field of digital humanities and research data management for the group of research-intensive regional science and humanities subjects within BUA. These are characterized by heterogeneity in digital "data" in non-Latin scripts (NLS), both because of their subject matter and because of international collaborations in research and teaching. The project supports the BUA initiative "Concept Development for Collaborative Research Data Management Service" and thereby aims to embed the handling of data in non-Latin scripts in all plans to build subject-specific "data communities".